Direct Searching


When you already know the Id number of a particular Agency or Series (including legacy number series), this method allows you to go directly to the details for that component. This method would be useful for experienced users who access the same information frequently.
When searching in Archives Navigator you are searching for contextual information about the archives collection of the Northern Territory Archives Service. Contextual information includes what archives were created, who created them and why, how they were used, and how they relate to other archives. Click here for an explanation of our Archival Control System and the terminology used.
If you are not sure what area you are interested in, you might find it useful to use the Browse Search or Keyword Search first, to locate agencies or series relevant to your area of research. We also have many subject-based Research Guides, available by visiting our main website.
For more information on searching in Archives Navigator, click on the How to Search option under Searching on the main menu.


Use this option if you know the Id for an agency, series or legacy series, and wish to view the details of that entity.

Select category

You must select one of the categories here.
The NTAS Archival Control System consists of hierarchically related components. The three available here are:

Click here for an explanation of our Archival Control System and the terminology used.

Enter identifier

You must enter a valid Id number in this field. If you do not know the identifier you will need to use another search method, either Browse or Keyword Search, both available under Searching on the main menu.

Expected results for this search method

If you have entered a valid Id number, your search will produce a Details page for the component you've searched on, giving full information about that component. The type of information contained within a Details page will vary depending on which component of the Archival Control System you are looking at. There will be further links on the Details page to other components in the NTAS Archival Control System. Often you will need to navigate down or up through your search results to find the information you need.


Use this option if you know the Id for a series and wish to go directly to the consignment details or unit and item details.

Select category

You must select one of the categories here.
The NTAS Archival Control System consists of hierarchically related components. The two available here are:

Click here for an explanation of our Archival Control System and the terminology used.

Enter identifier

You must enter a valid Id number in this field. If you do not know the identifier you will need to use another search method, either Browse or Keyword Search, both available under Searching on the main menu.

Expected results for this search method

If you have entered a valid Id number, your search will produce a Details page for the component you've searched on, giving full information about that component. The type of information contained within a Details page will vary depending on whether you have search for a consignment or a unit. There will be further links on the Details page to other components in the NTAS Archival Control System. Often you will need to navigate down or up through your search results to find the information you need.