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890 Tamblyn, Edwin Tonkin

Date Range:1863 - 1928


Edwin Tonkin Tamblyn (1863-1928) migrated to Australia with his mother and brother in 1874. The family settled at Moonta, South Australia, where Edwin and his brother, Harry, worked at the mines. At the age of 23 Edwin Tamblyn arrived in Palmerston (Darwin) to work at the Daly River copper mine. He was a successful miner and moved from labouring to management by the 1890s, and was then appointed to the Mining Board in 1897. By 1901 he was the manager of mines for the Associated Financial Corporation with his headquarters at the Cosmopolitan Mine in Pine Creek. Tamblyn remained in Pine Creek for 20 years. He married Mabel Bell (1874-1958) in 1908 and they had three children; Norman (1911-2000), Jessie, and Mary (1916-1999). In 1921 the family left the Northern Territory and moved to Perth where they built a stone house and ran an orchard. After Edwin's death in 1928 Mabel ran the orchard until her death in 1958.

Related Agencies

Date RangeTitleRelationshipAgency Id
- Tamblyn, JessieParent/Child377
- Tamblyn, Mary HillsonParent/Child378
1908 - 1928Tamblyn, Mabel Beatrice (nee Bell)Spouse891

Inventory of Series

Series IdSeries TitleSeries Date RangeNumber of UnitsPublic AccessLocation
NTRS 2959Cash account bookNo Date - No Date1OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2956Annotated land map1884 - 18841OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2955Notebooks1890 - 19231OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2950Code books1893 - 19051OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2947Cash books1896 - 19081OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2945Diaries1897 - 19173OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2952Scrapbooks relating to mining and agriculture1897 - 19201OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2953Bank books1897 - 19191OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2946Letterbooks1900 - 19192RestrictedDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2957Photographsc 1900 - 19302OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2951Correspondence1901 - 19241OpenDarwin (NTAC)
NTRS 2948Cash books1907 - 19581OpenDarwin (NTAC)