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NTRS 4654 Applications for underground prospecting assistance

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1936 - 1938
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Alice Springs
Legacy Series Id:F176

Function / Content

This series consists of files containing application for underground prospecting assistance that are recorded on a Application and Agreement for Grant for Purposes Underground Prospecting form in which the applicant has requested Commonwealth assistance, primarily in the form of labour, rations and tools The application includes the depth of sinking in connection with the application, the cost of proposed operation and the amount of assistance being requested, which claim or lease this applied to and what sinking had been done already at the applicants own expense (and to what depth). The applications have been signed by the applicant/s and the relevant administrator. The final part of this form is the receipt where, if successful, the applicant can acknowledge and sign that they have received a listed amount (none of the applications on file are approved and on none is receipt acknowledged). These files also include correspondence related to the applications, primarily within the Mines Branch. Some language used in these records (which reflects the language used at the time the records were created) may be offensive. This collection may contain references to Aboriginal people who have died, which may cause sadness and distress to their relatives. No offence has been intended by making these records available. Care and discretion should be used when viewing these records

Recordkeeping System

Single number

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 2001Department of Mines and Energy586
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Controlled Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1936 - 1938Register of assistance to prospectorsNTRS 4500


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000111936 - 1938Agreement Pending