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NTRS 4522 Register of pastoral leases and annual pastoral permits

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1872 - 1931
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F669

Function / Content

This series consists of a register of pastoral leases and annual pastoral permits in the Northern Territory. The register includes the following information: at the top is Form No.[number] 1, adjacent pages are divided into columns for No.[number] of application; No.[number] of lease; name of lessee; situation and name of run; term of years; date of commencement of lease; date lease expires; original area; land resumed (extent in square miles; date of resumption); present area; rent (rate per square mile; original amount; amount to be deducted for land resumed; amount now payable); and assessment. (1) The register of pastoral leases (covering 1889-1890) is at the front of the volume. It appears to be a listing of all leases in force in 1889 as no records of rent payments are entered (2) The entries for the annual pastoral leases (covering 1899-1912) follow on from the pastoral leases. A record of rent payments is maintained for lease Numbers 1-17 (3). The entries for pastoral permits are at the back of the volume. Record of rent payments is maintainedfor permit numbers 1-319. Pastoral leases and pastoral permits were annotated until 1931 for annual payments.

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 1980Department of Lands and Housing [I]580

Controlled Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1872 - 1899Pastoral leasesNTRS 2456
1872 - 1899Master copy of digitised images of pastoral leasesNTRS 2457
1872 - 1899Reference copy of digitised images of pastoral leasesNTRS 2458
1897 - 1931Pastoral lease files with "PL" prefixNTRS 2667

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
1892 - 1931Collated index of lands registers, data plans and index cardsNTRS 4556


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000111872 - 1931Agreement Pending