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NTRS 600 Miscellaneous licence files with "MLIC" prefix

Recording Agency:
Date Range:c 1948 - c 1978
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:

Function / Content

This series consists of Miscellaneous Licence files of the Lands Department. Files include applications for licences, approved licences, and correpondence relating to licences. The majority of licences deal with permission to remove timber from Crown Land and include related legal correspondence regarding breaches of Ordinance.

Recordkeeping System

Single number, "MLIC" prefix

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 1980Department of Lands and Housing [I]580

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
c 1948 - c 1978Timber and miscellaneous license files with "ML" prefixNTRS 2672


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000141949 - 1969Agreement Pending