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NTRS 3096 Administration files relating to police stations

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1951 - 1959
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F503

Function / Content

This series consists of administration files relating to police stations across the Northern Territory. Included are files about the following police stations; Anthony Lagoon, Adelaide River, Alice Springs, Batchelor, Daly River, Darwin, Elliott, Finke, Harts Range, Hatches Creek, Katherine, Larrimah, Maranboy, Mataranka, Pine Creek, Roper River, Rankine River, Tennant Creek, Timber Creek, and Wave Hill. The files are in subject order and relate to topics such as journals, trackers returns, patrol returns, radio transceivers, and wireless logs.

Recordkeeping System

Alphabetical by prefix [police stations; Anthony Lagoon (AL), Adelaide River (AR), Alice Springs (AS), Batchelor (B), Daly River (DR), Darwin (DW), Elliott (E), Finke (F), Harts Range (H), Hatches Creek (HC), Katherine (K), Larrimah (L), Maranboy (M), Mataranka (MAT), Pine Creek (PC), Roper River (R), Rankine River (RR), Tennant Creek (T), Timber Creek (TC), Wave Hill (WH)], then numerical [subject key; requisitions (1), general correspondence (2), trackers returns (3), government property (4), journals (5), repairs and maintenance (7), patrol returns (8), radio transceivers (10), accident reports (11), returns of outstanding correspondence (12), and wireless logs (13)]

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - c 1983Police Force of the Northern Territory671

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
1951 - 1959Correspondence files with letter infixesNTRS 2892


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P0001101951 - 1959Agreement Pending