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NTRS 3200 Head Office application files for dredging claims, OPF [Outside Proclaimed Field]

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1955 - 1968
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F1235

Function / Content

This series consists of Head Office application files for dredging claims outside the proclaimed fields. The application files include the original application form, correspondence relating to approval or appeals, plaints, gazette notices, and plans. The applications are for nos.DC1OPF-DC12OPF. The application form was completed in triplicate; the applicant kept one copy, and then two separate files were created in the Mines Branch, one by Head Office (for the approval process and gazette notices), and the other by the Mining Registrar (for correspondence with the applicant and Head Office). Two sets of files relating to applications were kept; one for Head Office, and the other at Darwin. The Mines Branch, Head Office, was moved to Alice Springs during the Second World War and remained there during the period 1942-1953. A Darwin office of the Mines Branch operated during 1946-1953 which was merged with the Mines Branch, Head Office, in 1953 when it was moved back from Alice Springs to Darwin.

Recordkeeping System

Numerical, "DC" prefix with "OPF" suffix

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 2001Department of Mines and Energy586
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Controlling Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1955 - 1968Register of dredging claims, OPF [Outside Proclaimed Field]NTRS 3199


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000111955 - 1968Agreement Pending