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NTRS 4143 Correspondence files with PPB prefix, single number series

Recording Agency:Northern Territory Development Corporation (647)
Date Range:1914 - 1988
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F114

How to Use the Records

A partial controlling register for this series is in NTRS 2827. A correspondence summary notebook for this series is in NTRS 2828. A card name index to client files related to this series is in NTRS 3119.

Function / Content

This series consists of correspondence files from the Primary Producers Board, Northern Territory Administration. The Primary Producers Board was established as a result of a conference called by the Federal Minister of Home and Territories during his visit to Darwin in 1923. The aim of the Board was to establish a fishing industry and to relieve the destitute section of the community, consisting mainly of Malays and Coloured people. The first meeting of the Board was on 27 August 1923. The Board was formally established by Ordinance No 21 of 1924 of the Northern Territory of Australia, cited as the Encouragement of Primary Industry Production Ordinance and gazetted on 26 September 1924. The files contain correspondence relating to advances and loans granted or refused under the Encouragement of Primary Industry Production Ordinance to individuals and companies. If not approved then the reason for refusal is contained within the files. The approved files contain the application for the advancement or loan with invoices, receipts, statements, and bill of sales for machinery, equipment, boats, fencing, seeds or livestock and finalization of loan. Some language used in these records (which reflects the language used at the time the records were created) may be offensive. This collection may contain references to Aboriginal people who have died, which may cause sadness and distress to their relatives. No offence has been intended by making these records available. Care and discretion should be used when viewing these records.

Recordkeeping System

Numerical by file number

Recording Agency

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 1988Northern Territory Development Corporation647

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 1988Northern Territory Development Corporation647
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Controlling Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1933 - 1951Index book for correspondence filesNTRS 2827

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
1955 - 1955Application for loanNTRS 4133
1928 - 1931JournalNTRS 4129
1931 - 1976Minutes of MeetingsNTRS 4142
1976 - 1979Name index cards to client filesNTRS 3119
1932 - 1945Register of SecuritiesNTRS 4128
1939 - 1941Summary of correspondence notebookNTRS 2828


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P0001641914 - 1988Agreement Pending