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NTRS 4259 Ore sales parcel files with "OSP" prefix

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1959 - 1962
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F744

Function / Content

This series consists of files of ore sales parcels. Each file documents the following details; parcel number of ore sent, consignment date, name of consignee, name of owner of mine, number of bags or drums, weight of consignment, result of assay, amount paid by Sydney Smelting Co Pty Limited to Mines Branch, statement of value to owner and letter with statement of value showing deductions and balance left with cheque for that amount.

Recordkeeping System

Numerical with OSP (ore sales parcel) prefix

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 2001Department of Mines and Energy586
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Controlling Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1959 - 1962Registers of ore salesNTRS 391

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
1959 - 1962Ore buyers' filesNTRS 384


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000111959 - 1962Agreement Pending