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NTRS 4271 AP [Authority to prospect] Register

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1953 - 1971
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:

How to Use the Records

Each volume of the register has an alphabetically organised index of the number, name and locality.

Function / Content

This series consists of one register of authorities to prospect [AP] in eleven volumes. The spine is labelled AP with the number range. Each entry records the number, the name of the applicant, the area, the area granted, the date approved, the period granted for, the locality, the goldfield, the mineral involved, a detailed description of the authorised area and the rent to be paid. Some entries have the details of any extensions, surrenders, cancellations or expirations and a reference to other relevant prospecting authority documents.

Recordkeeping System

Numerically organised in a single series.

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 2001Department of Mines and Energy586
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Controlled Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1953 - 1971Authority to prospect files and permit to enter filesNTRS 3712

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
1970 - 1971Authority to prospect registerNTRS 3727
1962 - 1971List of APs [Authority to Prospect] held since 1962NTRS 4121
1964 - 1970Prospecting authority registerNTRS 4112


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000151953 - 1971Agreement PendingD3: Registration number