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NTRS 4315 Survey plans of gold mining leases (GML)

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1873 - 1915
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F907

How to Use the Records

Use NTRS 2577 (Reference microfiche copy of books of plans of Northern Territory gold mining leases) for numbers 19-85 dated 1873-1874.

Function / Content

This series consists of collated books of plans of Gold Mining Leases (GML). Each plan has been prepared by a licensed surveyor to show the boundaries of the claim (application), natural features, buildings and data points. Each plan has been certified by the surveyor that he had personally made the survey, and that the boundaries have been shown correctly marked on the ground in accordance with instructions to Licensed Surveyors under Act 388 of 1886. The plan has been certified as correct by the Chief Mining Warden. Any alterations to the claim have been noted on the plan. Each plan includes the Gold Mining Lease Number (where applicable), Location, Section Number, Area, Application Number and Scale. Some of the GML plans have the lease number crossed out with the word "forfeited" and a new issued lease number and date the survey plan was updated.

Recordkeeping System

Gold mining lease (GML) number

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 2001Department of Mines and Energy586
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Related Series

Transfer DateSeriesSeries Id
1899 - 1909Applications for mining leaseNTRS 4662
1888 - 1915Gold Mining Leases, Crown LeaseNTRS 4210
1873 - 1874Reference microfiche copy of books of plans of Northern Territory gold mining leases, numbers 19-85NTRS 2577
1898 - 1915Register of forfeiture of gold mining leasesNTRS 4496
1907 - 1915Register of gold tenementsNTRS 4320
1873 - 1915Survey plans of gold claimsNTRS 4318


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P0001141873 - 1915Agreement Pending