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NTRS 4426 Garden area tenement files with "GA" prefix, District A [Agicondi/Pine Creek]

Recording Agency:
Date Range:1945 - 1978
Access:Agreement Pending
Location:Darwin (NTAC)
Legacy Series Id:F1156

Function / Content

This series consists of garden area (GA) tenement files in the Agicondi [Pine Creek] area in Northern Territory. The cover has date application received, subject (name of mine or person names in application) locality, area of claim, dates for objection, hearing, recommended, approved or refused, gazetted, posted, application plotted, map number, if forfeited or withdrawn. Each file contains the application for a registration of a mining tenement other than a lease with a sketch of the area being applied for and measurements in chains, any objections received, whether the application is approved or not, any transfer application and acknowledgement form, rent and general correspondence.

Recordkeeping System

Numerical by GA prefix with A suffix

Agency Responsible

PeriodTitleAgency Id
1978 - 2001Department of Mines and Energy586
2016 - 2020Department of Primary Industry and Resources1290

Controlling Series

PeriodSeriesSeries Id
1945 - 1978Mining tenement register for garden areas, District A [Pine Creek/Agicondi Goldfield]NTRS 4130


Consignment IdNumber of UnitsContents Date RangePublic AccessDescription
P000121945 - 1978Agreement Pending